
Are you a seeker?

The magic nature of life

We live on a blue marbled planet that spins on its axis while at the same time revolving around a dazzling ball of fire. We experience an enormous rock in our orbit as an inexhaustible gravitational pull moving the tides in our oceans. How can we ever doubt the miraculous nature of life?

How can we miss the masterful effortlessness of the energetics, the probabilities and focused attention that create the physical reality? When you choose to participate in AlchemE mentor® sessions you have to be willing to expand your perspective of whats possible in life. An extraordinary life requires extraordinary co-experiences. We are all made of the same primal dust, the stardust of the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. The same forces that phenomenally organise the universe, also organise us.

curious for more?curious for more?curious for more?

What is an AlchemE Mentor® interactive session?

Who is it for?

It is a unique process that may not be like any other work you may have done before. Its not a therapy, healing, or coaching session. Bri doesnt have answers that she will tell you in your sessions. Instead she will work with you and guide you in awareness to help you recognise the specific energetic recipes for solutions that will have a colossal impact on the areas of your life that you wish to transform.

Its for all kind of seekers. A seeker is one who wants more. To be more. Give more, Know more. They understand that the physical reality we see is not all there is. There are many hidden layers. Seekers look not only beyond what they can get for themselves but also beyond selflessness to the creation of loving, lasting and mutually empowering relationships. A real seeker seeks whats gonna make a difference and wants to provide value beyond whats seemingly possible. 

What happens in a mentor session?

What's the benefit?


energetic recipe

AlchemE Mentor® is the energetics of creations, the sublime creations codes in action for you! Bri actively listens to what you say about the different domains: health/body sense, relationship/intimacy biz/finances and impact on the world. She deciphers what is your specific energetic recipe that allows the life experience and physical reality to occur.



Everything you speak about, think about, dream about, exquisitely envision or perceive as your reality, is a sincere outplay of 3 major things: 

  • how much energy is available
  • how you focus your attention 
  • how you organise your nervous system and informational field.


There is no effort involved in the abundant self organisation of life. Who you really can be and how you impact people is based on simple energetic recipes. In the mentor interactives you realise that if you are working on something there is not enough energy, otherwise it would instantly manifest. Its like when the flower blossoms by following the guidance of the energy of the Sun. In nature there is no effort and we are an integral part of nature


creation's codes

Bri taps into Creation’s Codes® not as a philosophy, but as a real experience. She helps you map out the energetic strategies, the ones that you are experiencing and also the ones that are actually the most effective, manifesting without effort. They can just manifest with ease. Sound magical? Thats why the name, AlchemE®




You are gonna make a decision. Ultimately a more enriched impactful life consistent with your nature must be YOUR choice. For living it you must draw upon a different energy source. Each AlchemE mentor® session can be different depending on your lifestyle and whats being required. All very simple changes that change your entire world. Sometimes its unpacking all the entanglements and finding ways to establish a different game.


being the light

There are many different strategies. Bri will choose the right one for that time so that you start to experience the creation’s codes. You start to acknowledge your world, turning the dynamics around and being the blazing light that the world needs.

I am claiming more Now!



The group interactives with Bri are PHENOMENAL! Honestly I love them more than the individual sessions! Everyone that participates benefits greatly! There is a very palpable team spirit! There are four participants in our group. Two of us knew each other previously and the other two joined us later. We were all relating to business, marketing, and sales in totally different ways. My difficulty was in marketing, and sales. I discovered that it was "me" that was in the way! For myself I personally fell in love with the possibilities that are available, and the impact that it has in other people's lives. For the first time ever, I feel so invigorated in the morning that I can hardly wait to jump out of bed and start the day. I am so excited to co- create more! The sessions are under 90 minutes for the four of us. This means that each participant has approximately 20 minutes each. I would never have imagined how much I get from witnessing the other participants. It is a very engaging interactive. If you truly want something that is out of this world! A shared experience to have a much greater impact, far greater than you could have imagined, then this is definitely meant for you.
Alex M. together with Kris B., Leo R., Mindi M.

Business peer group

The group experience is outstanding! After experiencing a few individual mentoring sessions with Bri I decided to gift the opportunity to three of my friends and do a group session as a special birthday present. That's when everything started to blossom! One member of our group had been experiencing great challenges in her relationship with her husband and is now on her second honeymoon. Another member of our group found her soul mate and is engaged to be married. And yet another member transformed her relationship with her teenaged son that had been challenging for many years. He even decided to travel with the family which was unprecedented. I experienced an extremely cooperative divorce with my husband (unbelievable)! I am now devoted to helping others and am ready to meet the love of my life.
Maria E. with Clara P., Kleo B., Lia N.

Team Spirit

I had no idea what was possible until I met Bri. Her energy resonated very much from the first moment. She energetically guided me to the next level. I made my dream come true so effortlessly with her guidance. I could very easily take the new leader role in the company. I can’t believe I live with more ease and determination than when I was in a lower position. I have more time to be with my family and share with them the wisdom I know now.
Tom B.

Chief Financial Officer

I have been married for 22 years. I was ready to divorce. There was no hope to save my marriage. It was practically non-existent. Then I heard about Bri who was mentoring a friend of mine. I started the sessions with the intention of not creating too much mess for the children with the divorce. Everything changed during the sessions. I’m not only still with my husband, we are also now living the best years of our magical unity! Both of us are more fulfilled than in the beginning. Never underestimate what’s possible! Believe me!
Alena G.

Senior Creative Producer

The passion Bri represents was unprecedented in my life. Getting to know more and more my energetic nature is a game changer. She helped me move from a constant worrying feeling that I was unworthy as a mother, to being able to share adventures with my children in this period when adventures are almost non-existent.We became role models for other families. Thank you, Bri!
Joana L.

Mother of 4 Children

Bri encouraged me to be a better human. With her help I got to know the energetics that are driving my life. I tapped into resourcefulness and wrote my first book. To my great surprise it was so simple. This was my childhood dream and now the books are in many hands impacting the lives of others. The simplicity is mind-blowing.
Jonas D.

Screenplay Writer, Author

As far as I can remember I disguised my body. I hated to look into the mirror. With age it became worse. Bri inspired me to shift all that kept me from showing up. Everything we touched on in the sessions was so emotional. Bri’s compassion and love helped me to see the real me! She is very different from how I had imagined her. :). I’m eternally grateful! Thank you Bri!
Cristi C.


The most reliable way to predict the future is to live it in the present.

Together we do it better!

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