
Synergetic and Symbiotic Collaboration

Life has the perfect model

David Martin in Future Dreaming describes this model in such a sublime way. It’s true! It’s touching! It liberates us all! It redefines how much value anything might have. From the flower’s point of view aesthetics are nature’s gifts. The gift is accepted as it is. The flower never compares its shape, form or colour to other flowers. It knows that it naturally offers perceived value to other life forms so it’s pollinated with tremendous amount of value and that’s what truly counts.

Here it is: What the flower does, is the flower recognises it’s part of an echo system and part of that echo system means that it needs to make itself available in an aesthetic beautiful way, so that by expressing itself, it attracts other forms of life to it. And by attracting other forms of life to it, those other life forms actually have the ability to extract from the flower certain value: respite, sanctuary, food, security, a place to enjoy just the aesthetic beauty. And in the doing of that, the flower receives the essential pollination that actually persists and regenerates the next year’s flower.

Part of that echo system means that it needs to make itself available in an aesthetic beautiful way, so that by expressing itself, it attracts other forms of life to it.

The interesting thing, is the prayer of the flower, if you will, is: ” Make me so compellingly beautiful that the hummingbird and the butterfly and the bee actually find themselves a place to land on me. Spread the petals as far open as possible, let every bit of light reflect of every surface of who I am! Hide nothing! And in that moment I have the capacity to invite other life to participate and engage and benefit. For whose benefit? 

I have the capacity to invite other life to participate and engage and benefit.

The flower knows, that there is no time, because benefit is to everything in the system. As a human I can take a step back and I can watch all this happen. I can look at it and I can say this is not some remote possibility, this is not about the future, this is not about something that could happen if humanity got the right self help book. This is about looking at the way in which reality actually plays out and saying, I bet, that if actually we built our playbook around that model, we might have a game worth playing. 


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