The end of scarcity

The end of scarcity


It’s a book I recently read. It’s shocking, and unbelievably amazing at the same time! It’s full of information that everybody must know. Change comes only when we first know where we are at. We are living it all together.

It connected so many dots for me. It shined pure light on aspects where I was totally ignorant. It also shined light on communities, especially one where we’ve already been involved in for more than a decade (Homeexchange) that is based on a very similar principle in an earlier phase, so in aspects we have some experience regarding how something similar can work. With a broaden vision it can be shifted to be part of a solution that is already emerging. 

This book adds so much value to show what it is we are dealing with ☠️. It seems ugly. Beyond that it offers solutions that are already here and can be co-created with a collective involvement and resourceful approach. Abundance and interconnectedness is part of the nature of all of us. When we allow it and choose to live it together, it lets scarcity and separation evaporate by itself as a mist in the air. What human history was mostly based upon until now  is not needed any more…


What if the solution was easy? What of we could End scarcity in our world forever? What if  we could do it right now, together?

“Indeed, something magical IS happening. A new way to do money is being born. A beautiful way, beyond anything we imagine. It is what comes After the cryptocurrency revolution. Unleashing freedom, creativity and Life in each and every one of us. So simple. So Unradical  And Unstoppable. Up-leveling our evolution and consciousness, making scarcity a thing of the past.

This book is the key to unlock the door of our mutual prison. It is written for the average person with no experience or understanding of economics. A narrative non-fiction adventure — that will open your mind, make your heart sing and your soul fly with one stunning revelation after another.”

You can get the book HERE! Buy it NOW!

An interview with the author

About Kristen Ragusin

She is a professional wealth management consultant with Over thirty years of experience. Kristen invests more than $150 million in assets, helping her clients navigate complex markets to achieve their financial goals. She is a certified digital currency expert and earned her master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. She holds certificates in FinTech from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and in Money and Society from the University of Cumbria, London. Kristen loves the adventure of life and everything it brings, from the incredible people to the wonders of Nature. Her journeys throughout the world include climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, hiking through the Sahara Desert, and studying at a spiritual school in the foothills of Southern India.

You can find more about Kristen HERE.

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